11 December 2018
Presentation to SEAMEO SEN
BrainScience Academy was invited to introduce neurofeedback technology to Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organisation Special Educational Needs (SEAMEO SEN).
We explained how neurofeedback technology can be utilised as an effective tool to help students especially those with special learning conditions.
The amazing session brought about SEAMEO SEN's interest in promoting neurofeedback to their member countries.
BrainScience Academy representatives are sharing about neurofeedback.
9 April 2019
MOU Signing Ceremony
With the goal of acknowledging the capabilities of technologies (neurofeedback technology) in aiding especially in the field of special education, the Southeast Asia Ministers of Education Organisation Special Educational Needs (SEAMEO SEN) and BrainScience Academy signed an MoU as the first step in close collaboration towards the desired goal.
SEAMEO SEN will be actively promoting neurofeedback to their member countries with full support from BrainScience Academy.
Group photo with all the representatives from both SEAMEO SEN and
BrainScience Academy